Below you will find a representative list of recent projects that have that the institute has conducted or participated in. The list is not exhaustive, but gives an overview on with what sort of projects, especially in the technology transfer domain, we are normally busy. Few of those project might still be active.

ARAGORN: (Adaptive Reconfigurable Access and Generic Interfaces for Optimisation in Radio Networks): Cognitive Radio Project with main aim on the resource management. The project developed particularly the initial Cognitive Resource Manager (CRM) concept and pioneered some of the spectrum occupancy measurement techniques used. Industry collaborators included Huawei, Microsoft, Toshiba, and ST Microelectronics.

OPRU: We are collaborating with Audi on calibrating and understanding different distance ranging and location systems that can be used to enhance safety systems in car. The project has also a direct link to our other V2V and V2I research projects.

QUASAR: European Union funded research program staying the dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio techniques. The ethos of the project was to “take out hype for cognitive radios and find the real opportunities”. Apart of a lot of theoretical, measurement, and simulation studies, the project also produced a practical tool chain for assessing secondary spectrum opportunities.

ARBORION: This is a core project that coordinates our different spectrum measurement related activities. Over several years we have done international spectrum occupancy measurement campaign covering frequencies from 100 MHz unto 6 GHz. Similarly there are a lot of activities on signals classification and mmW-domain systems level propagation studies done in this project.

FARAMIR: (Flexible and spectrum-Aware Radio Access through Measurements and modelling In cognitive Radio systems): The slogan of the project was “Making Cognitive Radios Reality”. The research focused strongly on Radio Environment Maps, MDT, CRM, and how to use radio information for autonomic optimisation, including radio allocation. Industry collaborators included France Telecom, Huawei, Thales, and Toshiba

COMANCHE: Software Configuration and Ontology Management framework for networked service environments and architectures incorporating ambient intelligence features. This collaborative project was studying particularly the challenges related to have embedded intelligence and configuration management in secure, low-cost and low-memory devices, such as white-good consumer devices.

RUNES: A very large-scale European Union supported project focusing on creation of large-scale, widely distributed heterogeneous networked embedded systems. One of the key areas was using smart-sensors for security applications, but also for healthcare, factory automation and consumer devices. THe project had 21 partners from 8 countries.

WASP: (Wirelessly Accessible Sensor Populations): A big effort with 19 partners from 8 countries lead by Philips (NL) on building practical applications for different wireless sensor technologies. The project was developing hardware, software, protocols, and deployed a number of realistic testbeds to narrow down he gulf between academic research and industrial applications.

ACROPOLIS: (Advanced Coexistence Technologies for Radio Optimisation in Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum): European Union funded Network of Excellence project brining together 16 partners form 10 countries to integrate research efforts in the domains of co-operative and cognitive communications.

GOLLUM: (Generic Open LinkLayer API for Unified media Access): Regardless of its name European Union sponsored GOLLUM project was a full blown cognitive radio project. But it was also very practically oriented and it was a birth cradle for ULLA (Universal Link Layer API) concept that was also implemented for several operating systems and radio platforms.