Institute for Networked Systems

The research in the institute focuses on communications systems and networks, particularly in the wireless domain, but also in general methods of network science. The two main research groups operating in the institute are the networks & systems group and the self-organized networks group. The mission of INETS is apart from research, educating the next generation of leaders in communications engineering and network science.


August 2023: We have a number of new BSc. and MSc. thesis topics in the area of wireless networks (mm-wave networks, joint communication and sensing, 6G future mobile network architectures, etc.) available for interested and and motivated students! If you would like to find out about the current thesis topic opportunities at iNETS, please contact Dr. Ljiljana Simić via email.

August 2023: We have job openings for a PhD student researcher and two Post-Docs in 6G Networks – please see here for details.