2013 Publications


A. Palaios, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, V. Atanasovski et al.
“Two days of European Spectrum: Preliminary analysis of concurrent
spectrum use in seven European sites in GSM and ISM bands

Proc. of IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013




X. Li, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen
The Impact of Reporting MAC on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing 
Multiband Cognitive Networks

Proc. of WCNC 2013, Shanghai, China, April 2013




X. Zhang, J. Ansari, L.M. Amoros Martinez, N. Arbos Linio, P. Mähönen
Enabling Rapid Prototyping of Reconfigurable MAC Protocols for
 Wireless Sensor Networks

Proc. of WCNC 2013, Shanghai, China, April 2013




J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Highly Scalable Data Processing Framework for 
Pervasive Computing Applications
IEEE PerCom 2013, Demo Session, San Diego, California, March 2013




A. Achtzehn, L. Simic, P. Gronerth, P. Mähönen
A Propagation-Centric Transmitter Localization Method for
Deriving the Spatial Structure of Opportunistic Wireless Networks

in Proc. of WONS 2013, Banff, Canada, March 2013




M. Michalopoulou, P. Mähönen
Addressing Phase Transitions in Wireless Networking Optimization
Proc. of 7th Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Spain, May 2013




R. El Kharsa, J. Nasreddine, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Interference Mitigation based on Channel Allocation Knowledge
for Dense Femtocell Scenarios

Proc. of IEEE SmallNets workshop, in conjunction with
IEEE ICC 2013,
Budapest, Hungary, June 2013




J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Measures of Complexity for the Radio Environment
Proc. of IEEE ICT 2013, Casablanca, Morocco, May 2013




D. Parruca, M. Grysla, H. Zhou, F. Naghibi, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen, J. Gross
On Semi-Static Interference Coordination under
Proportional Fair Scheduling in LTE Systems

Proc. of European Wireless 2013, Guildford, United Kingdom, April 2013




A. Galindo-Serrano, B. Sayrac, S. Ben Jemaa, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Automated Coverage Hole Detection for
 Cellular Networks Using Radio Environment Maps
Proc. of WiNMee 2013, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, May 2013




J. Nasreddine, J. Riihijärvi, A. Achtzehn, P. Mähönen
The World is Not Flat: Wireless Communications in 3D Environments
Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM 2013, Madrid, Spain, June 2013




A. Galindo-Serrano, B. Sayrac, S. Ben Jemaa, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Harvesting MDT Data: Radio Environment Maps for 
Coverage Analysis in Cellular Networks
Proc. of CrownCom 2013, Washington D.C., USA, July 2013




I. Subbiah, M. Schrey, A. Ashok, G. Varga, A. Achtzehn, M. Petrova, S. Heinen
Design of a TV White Space Converter Prototype
Towards Cognitive Radio for WLAN Routers

Proc. of CrownCom 2013, Washington D.C., USA, July 2013




J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Log-Gaussian Gibbs processes for modelling large-scale wireless networks
Proc. of Spatial Statistics 2013, Columbus, Ohio, June 2013




A. Achtzehn, L. Simic, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen, V. Rakovic, P. Latkoski, L. Gavrilovska
Software Tool for Assessing Secondary System
 Opportunities in Spectrum Whitespaces
Proc. of IEEE WoWMoM 2013, Demo session, Madrid, Spain, June 2013




A. Palaios, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, P. van Wesemael, M. Desmet, A. Dejonghe
Performance Evaluation of Single-Chip 
Spectrum Sensing
Platform for Portable Spectrum Measurements

Proc. of IEEE CORAL 2013, Madrid, Spain, June 2013




X. Zhang, J. Ansari, M. Arya, P. Mähönen
Exploring Parallelization for Medium Access Schemes on
Many-core Software Defined Radio Architecture

Proc. of the Second Workshop of Software Radio Implementation Forum,
in conjunction with ACM SIGCOMM 2013, Hong Kong, August 2013




N. Perpinias, A. Palaios, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Measurements of Shadow Correlations in a
 Suburban Environment on the 485 MHz Band
Proc. of IEEE VTC 2013 Fall, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2013




S. Romaszko, W. Torfs, P. Mähönen, C. Blondia
An analysis of asynchronism of a 
discovery protocol for cognitive radio networks

Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 2013, London, United Kingdom, September 2013




A. Achtzehn, L. Simic, P. Gronerth, P. Mähönen
Survey of IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Deployments for
Deriving the Spatial Structure of Opportunistic Networks

Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 2013, London, United Kingdom, September 2013




A. Palaios, J. Riihijärvi, O. Holland, P. Mähönen
A week in London: Spectrum usage in Metropolitan London
Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 2013, London, United Kingdom, September 2013




S. Romaszko, P. Mähönen, W. Torfs, C. Blondia
Benefiting from an Induced Asynchronism in
Neighborhood Discovery in opportunistic Cognitive Wireless Networks

Proc. of ACM MobiWac 2013, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013




E. Meshkova, J. Riihijärvi, J. Ansari, P. Mähönen
Indoor Coverage Estimation from
 Unreliable Measurements using Spatial Statistics
Proc. of ACM MSWiM 2013, Barcelona, Spain, November 2013




P. de Vries, L. Simic, A. Achtzehn, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen
The Emperor has no Problem: Is Wi-Fi Spectrum Really Congested?
Proc. of TPRC 2013, Arlington, Virginia, September 2013




O. Holland, H. Aghvami, S. Romaszko, et al.
ICT-ACROPOLIS: Spectrum Sharing and
Coexistence based on the Cognition Cycle
Future Network & Mobile Summit (FuNEMs) 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2013




S. Romaszko
A Rendezvous Protocol with the Heterogeneus Spectrum Availability
Analysis for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Special Issue on
Resource Allocation in Communications and Computing, Article ID 715816, 2013




J. Zander, P. Mähönen
Riding the Data Tsunami in the Cloud: 
Myths and Challenges in future wireless access
IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 145-151, March 2013




J. Zander, P. Mähönen, R. Jäntti, J. Kronader, M. Petrova, L. Rasmussen, K.W. Sung
On the Scalability of Cognitive Radio:
Assessing the commercial viability of secondary spectrum access

IEEE Wireless Comm. Magazine, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 28-36, April 2013




J. Ansari, X. Zhang, P. Mähönen
A Decentralized MAC Protocol for Opportunistic Spectrum Access 
Cognitive Wireless Networks

Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 36, No. 13, pp. 1399-1410, July 2013




B. Sayrac, A. Galindo-Serrano, S. Ben Jemaa, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen
Bayesian Spatial Interpolation as an Emerging
Cognitive Radio Application for Coverage Analysis in Cellular Networks

Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies,
Volume 24, issue 7-8, pp. 636-648, November-December 2013




S. Romaszko, D. Denkovski, V. Pavlovska, L. Gavrilovska
Quorum system and random based asynchronous rendezvous protocol for
cognitive radio ad hoc networks

ICST Mobile Communications and Applications, Vol. 13, No. 3, December 2013

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